MiFID II/MiFIR: Regulatory Reporting Solution (RRS) Release 1.3: Information for Trading Participants outside the scope of MiFIR

Release date: 08 Jul 2024

023/2024 MiFID II/MiFIR: Regulatory Reporting Solution (RRS) Release 1.3: Information for Trading Participants outside the scope of MiFIR Xetra Circular 023/24

1. Introduction

With this circular, the Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (FWB®, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange) informs about the RRS Release 1.3, affecting all Trading Participants outside the scope of MiFIR regulation ("Non-MiFIR Trading Participants"). With the introduction of RRS Release 1.3 effective 16 September 2024, the upload functionality in the Common Upload Engine ("CUE") is once again available without restriction for daily (up to T+1 18:00 CET) and historical (from T+1 18:01 CET) data enrichment and correction.

Simulation start:   5 August 2024      
Production start: 16 September 2024 

Further information about the RRS Release 1.3 can be found on the Xetra website www.xetra.com under the following link: Newsroom > Current regulatory topics > MiFID II and MiFIR > Non-MiFIR firms.

2.    Required action

Non-MiFIR Trading Participants are requested to initiate the preparatory steps to ensure readiness for the RRS Release 1.3 on 16 September 2024, if necessary. Recommended testing scenarios will be provided in the “Simulation Participation guide” which will be available before Simulation start on the website mentioned above.

3. Details of the initiative 

A. Introduction Schedule and Communication Calendar for RRS Release 1.3

Please refer to the Attachment ”Introduction Schedule and the Communication Calendar” for detailed information about timelines and publication of documents. 

A dedicated release simulation environment will be provided to give non-MiFiR Trading Participants the opportunity to perform comprehensive testing of their trading applications, independent of the RRS production environment. The simulation environment will be available for testing from 5 August 2024 to 3 September 2024 and again from 9 September 2024 continuously. The one-week downtime is due to the preparation of the T7 Release 13.0 simulation environment.   

B. Overview of functional and technical enhancements

With the introduction of RRS Release 1.3, all current restrictions on upload functionality in the CUE will be resolved. 

The upload functionality for historical data enrichment and corrections, which was temporarily deactivated with RRS Release 1.2, will be reactivated. This allows non-MiFIR Trading Participants once again to perform data enrichment or corrections after T+1 18:00 CE(S)Z (historical uploads). For details on how to use the historical upload functionality, please refer to the "User Guide" for Non-MiFIR Trading Participants, which will be published prior to the start of the Simulation.

Known limitations in the daily upload functionality (stated as "Fix Release PROD - R 1.3" in the "non-MiFIR reporting known limitations" list) will also be fixed to improve the daily upload process. The known limitations list is available on the Xetra website www.xetra.com under the following path: 

Newsroom > Current regulatory topics > MiFID II and MiFIR > Non-MiFIR firms  > Non-MiFIR reporting known limitations.

C. Outlook RRS Release 1.4 in November 2024 

The RRS Release 1.4 is planned to be introduced on 18 November 2024. The release intends to ensure compatibility of RRS with the changes resulting from the introduction of the Short Code and Algo ID solution and T7 Release 13.0. Further details will follow in its separate Xetra circular in due course.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact TVR@deutsche-boerse.com.


  • Introduction Schedule and Communication Calendar for RRS 2024

Further information


All Xetra® and Börse Frankfurt Trading Participants and Vendors

Target groups: 

Traders, Technical Contacts, Security Administration, System Administration, Nominated Persons, General 



Trade Venue Regulation TVR@deutsche-boerse.com;
Your Key Account Manager or client.services@deutsche-boerse.com

Related circular:


Xetra Circular 004/24



Newsroom > Current regulatory topics > MiFID II and MiFIR > Non-MiFIR firms

Authorised by: 


Melanie Dannheimer; on behalf of the Management Board: Anca Barghisan