11. Nov. 2016


Amsterdam, Frankfurt, London, Paris, Zurich, Chicago & NYC are now “Fit for MiFID”

Successful Deutsche Börse Workshop Tour throughout Europe & the US

Deutsche Börse called and more than 300 people all over Europe & the US followed and joined our workshops covering the ongoing MiFIR/MiFID II regulations. In some of Europe's and America's most important financial centres, the participants were provided with an updated overview of the regulatory timeline as well as the scope and impact it will have on the key markets Eurex & Xetra.

Presentations by our experts were followed by lively discussions at the reception where potential questions and concerns were discussed in greater depth.

We would like to thank everybody who joined us at the workshops for their interest and time. If you want to go through the presentation again or were not able to attend, please find the presentation slides attached.



14 March 2025

2:15:20 AM

Production Newsboard

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