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Compugroup Medical SE : Takeover (updated on 23 January 2025)

In a release dated 22 January 2025, the company Ceasar BidCo GmbH International announced the result of the public tender offer to the shareholders of Compugroup Medical SE after the first acceptance period. Accordingly, the offer condition relating to minimum acceptance threshold in the offer document was fulfilled. The settlement of the offer is still subject to the entry of further offer conditions.

The shares underlying the affected options contracts are changed to the tendered line effective 24 January 2025. The tendered line will serve as the underlying of the affected contracts until further notice.

Accordingly, the ISIN of the above-mentioned contracts will change as specified in the following table:

Product code

ISIN of the underlying instrument old

ISIN of the underlying instrument new

Product-ISIN old

Product-ISIN new









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