26. Nov. 2024

Encavis AG : Takeover (Update on 26 November 2024)

Update on 26 November 2024

In a media release dated 25 November 2024 all offer conditions of the takeover offer have been fulfilled. Accordingly, as described in previous Corporate Action Info and pursuant to the Contract Specifications for Futures Contracts and Options Contracts at Eurex Deutschland, existing positions will be settled at the theoretical fair value. Basis for the calculation of the fair values is the tender offer price of EUR 17.50 per share.

The final settlement prices for the options and futures contracts with open interest are given in the table below.

The clearing system will automatically generate closing transactions for every open position in the delisted product. The closing transaction will be booked at a Fair Value Price (FVP) which is entered as the settlement price on 26.11.2024 and the respective cash transactions (based on the FVP), which will be booked as normal premium paid/received (224/226) or variation margin paid/received (235/236), will be generated.

Resulting cash balances will be booked on 26.11.2024, with value date 27.11.2024. All open positions will be closed out on 26.11.2024. The closing transactions (CB012 Account Statement) and corresponding cash amounts (CD710 Daily Cash Account CM) will be integrated automatically in the reports.

Trading in the above mentioned contracts have been discontinued.




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