16. Dez. 2024

Vivendi SE: Spin-off - updated on 11 November 2024

Update on 11 November 2024 - Basket ISIN table

The company Vivendi SE has announced a spinoff of Louis Hachette Group SA, Havas NV and Canal+ SA as independent companies. Vivendi SE Shareholders shall be entitled to receive one Louis Hachette Group SA, one Havas NV and one Canal+ SA share for every Vivendi SE-share held.

The exchange listings of the respective shares will be as follows:

Canal+ SA will be listed in LSE (London Stock Exchange)

Havas NV will be listed in Euronext Amsterdam

Louis Hachette Group SA will be listed in Euronext Paris

More information about this transaction is available on the company`s website under www.vivendi.com.

The Spinoff will result in an adjustment of the above mentioned contracts.

Adjustment result on 16.12.2024

Adjustment result : Vivendi SE : Spin-off adjustment

Basket Underlying close price: 8,57911956
R-factor: 0,68184153

The basket composition for product VVUB and VVUJ will be : 
1,466616 * Vivendi share + 
1,466616 * Havas share + 
1,466616 * Louis Hachette Group share

No successor contracts will be introduced in VVUB and VVUJ.

Due to no open interest in VVUQ, 1VVU and TVVU the underlying security ISIN of the product is changed back from DE000A4AJ0P8 to FR0000127771.These contracts continue to refer to Vivendi SE shares only. 




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