Colo 2.0 Market Data and Order Entry Access Layer switch maintenance in January / February 2025

19. Dez. 2024

Colo 2.0 Market Data and Order Entry Access Layer switch maintenance in January / February 2025

On the dates listed below, Deutsche Börse will upgrade the firmware on all Colo 2.0 Market Data Access Layer switches.

  • 11.01.2025 – Colo 2.0 Market Data Access Layer Xetra (A-side)
  • 08.02.2025 – Colo 2.0 Market Data Access Layer Xetra (B-side)

Participants with 10 Gbit/s Colo 2.0 Market Data connections can expect to see status changes on the respective ports. After the firmware upgrade, Deutsche Börse recommends participants to verify the status of their affected Colo 2.0 Market Data 10 Gbit/s connections.

In addition, Deutsche Börse would again like to remind participants of the Implementation News from 27. November 2024  announcing the enforcement of subnet validation on Order Entry Switches on the following dates:.

  • 25.01.2025 Xetra (Side A) 
  • 15.02.2025 Xetra (Side B )

Participants with 10 Gbit/s Colo 2.0 Order Entry connections can expect to see status changes on the respective ports.

On all maintenance dates, both after the upgrade of the firmware on all Colo 2.0 Market Data Access Layer switches and the enforcement of subnet validation, Deutsche Börse will offer a support window between 12:00 and 14:00 CET. In the event of any unforeseen issues, participants will be able to contact their Technical Key Account Manager via their VIP number or during the support window.

Please note that the firmware update on the Colo 2.0 Market Data Access Layer switches Eurex (A-side) on 25.01.2025 will coincide with the enforcement of subnet validation on Colo 2.0 Order Entry switches Xetra (A-Side).





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