Regulated Market

As of November 1, 2007, the subdivision of the Official and the Regulated Markets no longer exists. Securities entered into these markets on or since this date are now listed only on the regulated market.

The admission and follow-up requirements of the former Official Market (Amtlicher Markt) apply for the Regulated Market. This also applies to the entry requirements, which previously differed in the two markets: The company must have existed for at least three years; the estimated market value of the shares, or, in the case that an estimate cannot be made, the capital of the company itself must be at least 1,25 million euros, 25 percent of which must be owned by diversified holdings.

The Regulated Market is an organised market in accordance with article 2, paragraph 5 of the Securities Trading Act. This means that the admission and follow-up requirements for the participants and the organisation of trading are legally regulated.

Before being admitted to trading, issuers are required to undergo an approval process as stipulated by public law. Together with at least one bank, a financial service institution, or a company that does business under the provisions of article 53, paragraph 1, no. 1, or article 53b, paragraph 1, no. 1 of the Banking Act, prospective participants must submit an application to the Admissions Board of the respective exchange. Companies already listed on the Regulated Market at one German exchange can apply for admission to another exchange without a supporting institution.

In addition to the admission requirements, issuers on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange opt for a transparency standard. Issuers in the regulated market can choose either the general or the prime standard. Issuers in the open market choose the admission standard. This choice depends on the admission and follow-up requirements.