Annual report 2022

Description of our annual report’s visual

Annual report 2022

Lines and bars intertwining with each other. Roads and networks connected to each other. Between them: wind turbines and electricity pylons, trains, and satellites. But what does this all have to do with Deutsche Börse? 

Copyright: Deutsche Börse AG

Our world is in a constant state of change. We are living in a time characterised by strong connectivity, a time in which technology and digitisation are indispensable.

Every progress has always been driven by constantly expanding networks of infrastructures – nowadays in ever greater dimensions. Whether talking about mobility, energy supply or information exchange, infrastructures need to be reliable and efficient to ensure that everything meshes and runs smoothly. The same applies to a sound economy and a well-functioning society. Infrastructures are the driving force that keeps everything going.

As an international exchange organisation, we at Deutsche Börse Group provide innovative market infrastructures based on state-of-the-art technology. With them, we offer access to and new solutions for reliable and stable capital markets. In this way, we create opportunities for investing in the future – the basis for growth and innovation. Innovation is essential for a sustainable and future-proof economy: therefore, it also ensures the prosperity of future generations and constitutes the foundation of a modern society.

In short, we at Deutsche Börse Group ensure stable financial market infrastructures. And in doing so, we promote growth and innovation – not only today, but also for the world of tomorrow.