Inter(n)view: Aoife Hennessy

People & ideas at Deutsche Börse

Release date: 04 Aug 2020

In our "Inter(n)view" series, our interns, trainees and students share their insights into Deutsche Börse Group. Up next is Aoife Hennessy from HR at Clearstream in Cork. She tells us more about her personal experiences during her internship in the interview.

Aoife Hennessy

Why did you decide to apply for an internship at Deutsche Börse Group?

I decided to apply for an internship at Deutsche Börse Group because I know people who previously worked for the company and had a fantastic experience. I applied for a position as an HR intern because I have always wanted to engage in working with people as a profession. For pursuing a career in this field, this position seemed like a brilliant opportunity to me. After doing some more research on Deutsche Börse Group, I perceived it as a very positive and engaging environment to work in, with a happy and hardworking workforce. 

How would you describe Deutsche Börse Group as an employer?

My experience of working for Deutsche Börse Group has been very positive. The company is really focused on the well-being of its employees. I perceived the company as one big family, everyone knows each other. The employees are provided with many tools which enable them to successfully master their work – and their work gets noticed and is appreciated. 

What do you like most about working in HR at Clearstream in Cork?

For me, the most enjoyable part about working in the HR department is teamwork. My team really helped me settle into my new role and supported me throughout my internship. It is a pleasure to be a part of such a hardworking team. I also find my position very rewarding, being able to help people on a daily basis.

What advice would you give to applicants for a student job / internship?

I can absolutely recommend doing an internship at Deutsche Börse Group. I would advise anyone to take advantage of the acclimatisation period and ask lots of questions. For an intern, it can feel overwhelming starting a job in a corporate environment. That’s why it is important to have an understanding of what the company does, and of one’s own role within the larger picture. I would also advise establishing good relationships with the team and co-workers at an early stage. This really helped me settle into my position as an intern. 

How has the experience as an intern contributed to your professional and personal development?

The experience through my internship at Deutsche Börse Group was second to none. I had plenty of opportunity to dive deeper into HR-related topics and to get to know various HR department tasks. And being involved in many HR activities certainly helped me adjust to life in a corporate environment. Deutsche Börse Group adapted very well to the Corona pandemic, and I have continued my internship working remotely from home. This way, I did not miss out on anything, everything was handled very smoothly. 

What does your job entail? What does your typical working day look like?

The position of a HR intern is a complex role with lots of variety, no two days are alike. One of my main functions revolves around HR administration. It involves managing all aspects of HR and supporting my team across a wide range of areas, including system administration, recruitment, probation management, HR reporting and employee support. Other tasks that I am regularly involved in are – among others – onboarding, performance management, employer branding and leaver management.