Inter(n)view: Katharina Hesse

People & ideas at Deutsche Börse

Release date: 04 Dec 2023

In our “Inter(n)view” series, our interns, apprentices, trainees, and students share their insights into Deutsche Börse Group. Meet Katharina Hesse, German Golf Champion 2023, who recently joined our Regulatory Operations team as intern for four months. In our latest Inter(n)view edition, she reflects on the journey that brought her to us and shares some insights into her internship and the connection to her hobby.

Katharina Hesse

Tell us a bit about the journey that led you to us.

When I was 16, I decided to move to the United States to attend a golf academy and boarding school. Although I planned on staying for one year only, I ended up staying for one more and graduated from high school there. During my senior year, I got recruited by a college coach who offered me a full scholarship to Rollins College, a small university close to Orlando, Florida. This was an outstanding offer I could not pass by and therefore started my Bachelor of Arts as part of the women’s varsity golf team in August 2019. For six years I played competitive golf in the United States and only came home during the winter and summer breaks. I lived “two different lives” in “two different worlds”, so to speak, and I always had to jump back and forth between them. As I found this quite exhausting, I decided to move back to Germany as soon as I was done with my bachelor’s. Since May this year, I have been doing a gap year, exploring different work fields, and gaining practical experience. Due to my International Relations major, a very broad study field, I wanted to check out as many options in a variety of fields during this year. This is why I joined Deutsche Börse beginning of October and will stay with the Group Regulatory Strategy department until January 2024.

What surprised you about Deutsche Börse?

When I applied and had my virtual interview, I did not know what I could expect from my internship and Deutsche Börse Group. When I arrived on the first day, I only gained positive impressions. First of all, I do like the building. This might sound weird, but the architecture and design of The Cube are very nice and give the offices a very cozy vibe. The many windows make it an open space and even though I might not know the people on the other side of the building, one gets the impression of inclusion and belonging. Another surprise to me is the openness of the employees. I am not saying I did not expect them to be as nice and open as they are, I am simply saying that they have exceeded my expectations. I think within the first week, I had multiple coffee dates with colleagues and other interns from different departments. Openness is something I have learned to appreciate throughout my time in the United States and therefore I am grateful for the warm welcome here at Deutsche Börse Group.

Are there any parallels between your hobby and this internship?

This is quite a difficult question but to some degree, I can say that I do see some parallels. Golf is a very diverse sport with many different facets and skills needed to be successful. While other players prefer the long shots, some players enjoy the work around the green, which requires more feel and touch than the longer ones. During my internship, I am working on many different tasks, such as monitoring, debriefings, and the creation of PowerPoint presentations. Of course, I do enjoy some of these tasks more than others, and as probably everyone else, have my favorite tasks. However, in order to achieve a good overall performance and results, all tasks must be completed equally. The same principle applies to golf. Even though I have my favourite shots and can execute some tasks better than others, I always have to try my best to shoot a good score and win a tournament. Discipline and thoroughness are skills that apply to golf but also to my internship.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

This is probably the question I have heard the most in the past months. To be honest, I do not know. As I am such an open person who likes to go with the flow, I can see myself doing many things. There are some things, however, I have planned for the upcoming years which will hopefully help me figure out what I want to do. First, I am going to participate in another internship when I have completed my current one at Deutsche Börse Group. Secondly, I am starting my master’s in management at Frankfurt School in August 2024. Both things will help me find my path and shape my future. Given my uncertainty, I think the question should be “How do you see yourself in five years?”. This question, in my opinion, is much more important and should not be disregarded by anyone when planning their future. Regardless of my profession, I always want to make sure that I am happy, continue to explore the world openly, and will stay in touch with friends and family.