Settled in: Asharne Francis

People & ideas at Deutsche Börse

Release date: 04 Apr 2023

In our “Settled in” series, our colleagues, who have decided to start their careers at Deutsche Börse Group share their journeys with us. Asharne Francis, who joined the Communications Team of EEX in February 2022, talks to us about why she switched her hometown London for Leipzig, her job as a Communications Professional and what is next for her.

Asharne Francis

Being from London, UK, what motivated you to work in another country?

Anyone who has lived in London will tell you how much of a busy place it is. The hustle and bustle of life there is great – there’s such a rich melting pot of cultures in the city, sometimes you don’t feel the need to physically branch out to experience new things. For me, being a Londoner, I found myself in a bit of a bubble and experiencing life in another city or country always was on the cards. When the opportunity came up, I approached it with the question, “Why not?”
Long story short, moving to Germany was about enrichment.

What is the most exciting part of your job?

For me, that my words and ideas are more than just words and ideas – they get brought to life, often tangibly. If you’ve spoken to someone from communications you’ve probably heard similar, but I have to add – the variety of work. I can experience being on set for a video idea I had, networking with people from all over the world, stakeholder management at events, strategising from my sofa…the list truly is endless. 

Do you have any tips for someone who wishes to work abroad?

The main tip I have is to not limit yourself. I echo the tagline of a well-known sports brand: “Just Do It”. Taking this step has made the world seem a little bit smaller and more accessible. The confidence I’ve gained from doing this is incredible, not to mention the soft skills. After all, navigating a new place without speaking the language makes you resourceful (and certainly makes you pick up the language quicker!). 
The second tip I have is to be adaptable. Moving abroad comes with its own challenges, so aim to understand the nuances of different cultures with appreciation and respect. Be curious and open to new ways of working, I think that's the key to working internationally. 

What’s next?

Hopefully continued growth. By circumstance, I have always found myself drawn to the cultural element of communications. This is currently showing up as the beginning stages of an expat community to support colleagues that have done/will do a similar move as me (moving to Germany for work). At the moment, we’re shaping what that support looks like, and I will undoubtably get stuck in with the communications as it grows.

What advice do you have for someone who wants to get started in a career in communications?

Aside from the obvious “apply for roles”, I’d say develop your skills and follow your interests. That advice applies if you’re just starting out, or if you’re a seasoned practitioner. The landscape of communications is always changing, and opportunity is often disguised as problems or challenges. When change is swirling around you, be adaptable and seize it. In everything keep learning.