Annual General Meeting elects Michael Martin Rüdiger as new member of the Supervisory Board

Release date: 19 May 2020


Deutsche Börse Group

Today, the shareholders of Deutsche Börse AG elected Michael Martin Rüdiger at the Annual General Meeting as a new member of the Supervisory Board. Dr. Joachim Faber resigned from his position as shareholder representative with effect from the end of today's Annual General Meeting and has therefore left the Supervisory Board.

Michael Martin Rüdiger (*1964) has many years of experience in the national and international financial industry. He acquired his comprehensive expertise in matters of the capital market as well as the corresponding regulatory requirements through various senior positions in the financial industry, most recently as Chairman of the Executive Board of Management of DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale. In addition, Mr. Rüdiger was a member of the Exchange Councils (“Börsenräte”) of the Frankfurt Exchange (FWB) and Eurex Germany from 2017 to 2020. Mr. Rüdiger had chaired the FWB Exchange Council since mid-2017.

The Supervisory Board of Deutsche Börse AG has a total of 16 members.

The complete voting results of the Annual General Meeting 2020 are available at