Inter(n)view: Maria Shyti

People & ideas at Deutsche Börse

Release date: 29 Feb 2024

In our “Inter(n)view” series, our interns, trainees, and students share their insights into Deutsche Börse Group. Maria joined Clearstream as an intern in the Investment Funds Transfers team. Now she supports the team as a working student. From Albania, she moved to Cork to do her Bachelorʼs degree in Business Administration and reflects on her journey in our latest edition of Inter(n)view.

Maria Shyti

What motivated you to move from Albania to Cork? What do you like about Cork? 

Whilst Albania is an up-and-coming country of opportunities for the young generation, it lacks the international stage experience in the world of finance. Therefore, I considered studying and working in Ireland to deepen my knowledge and work with world-class companies. Another motivator was the fact that my cousin lives and works in Cork and was able to give me more insights into different opportunities.

Of course, it is very hard to move away from the safety and comfort of your family home to embark on a new journey in another country. And living in Cork was scary in the beginning as it is a much bigger city compared to where I lived before. However, the welcoming Irish culture, history, and the standards of living made it easier and a great learning experience. Now I can confidently say that moving to Ireland has been one of the best decisions I have made. What I am most happy about is that I gained my own independence. It made me grow so much, intellectually, and personality-wise. 

Whilst studying I also worked part-time to cover my daily expenses and reduce the financial burden on my parents who pay for my studies here. I got my first job as a cleaner in a private hospital. I then worked as a pharmacy porter and afterwards as a clerical officer in the medical records department. However, all along I felt like I was not gaining experience compatible with the business degree I was studying. When I got the internship position with Clearstream, part of Deutsche Börse Group, I finally had the opportunity to change that and gain first-hand experience. In my final year of study, I again chose Clearstream as my preferred employer because I liked their mission statement and the opportunities they offer. I find Clearstream’s working environment modern, welcoming, and I met a lot of nice people from the start.

What does your team do? Did you have any experiences in this field before?

I work in funds operations. Our team is responsible for processing client instructions in mutual funds in an accurate and timely manner. This ensures that shares can be transferred within the primary market – this is the market where securities are sold for the first time. We also support the onboarding of new client portfolios and – unusual for an operational team – we also deal directly with client queries.

Prior to starting my internship at Clearstream, I did not have any financial experience but considering my degree in business, I was fully prepared using all Microsoft platforms needed to do my tasks. The rest? Learning by doing!

The Investment Funds Transfers team for me is one of the best teams you can work with. Everyone is a team player and fun to work with, so whenever I faced any difficulties or it was a very busy time, everyone reached out to help and support. 

What made you decide to stay at Deutsche Börse Group even after your internship ended?

During my internship, I gained a lot of experience, expanded my network, and made many friends from different backgrounds and cultures. I was an active participant in sports and social activities volunteering to help during different events. I also think Clearstream is a very diverse and inclusive workplace to be in. It creates a sense of belonging while giving you the chance to maintain a sense of individuality and bring your whole self to work. This is why I even became a member of a local diversity and inclusion group to drive these topics further.

So overall, my whole experience was great. I gained so much experience and gained so many soft skills that will be useful not only in my professional path but my life. These are just a few of many reasons that made me stay. 

What is the most valuable lesson you have learned during your time at Deutsche Börse Group so far?

The most valuable lesson I learned, is that if you strive to learn more and continue to progress through times of stagnation you will succeed. Deutsche Börse Group is a workplace that allowed me to learn and grow as a person. I made networking a priority here. I mean you can thrive alone but when you work with a network of friends and colleagues it adds invaluable quality not just to your work environment, but also your life.