Settled in: David Hofmann

People & ideas at Deutsche Börse

Release date: 27 Nov 2023

In our “Settled in” series, our colleagues who have decided to start their career at Deutsche Börse Group share their insights with us. David Hofmann started as an intern at Deutsche Börse Group in September 2022. Now he works as a Relationship Manager in our Issuer Services team in Eschborn. In this "Settled in" edition, David talks to us about his journey from intern to full-time employee, what he loves about his work, and shares some tips for newcomers joining Deutsche Börse Group. 

David Hofmann

How and when did you join Deutsche Börse? 

After completing my master’s degree in political science, I started an internship in the Issuer Services team at Deutsche Börse in September 2022. I instantly knew that I wanted to stay and told my boss early on. After that, everything happened very quickly and I have been a permanent member of the team as a Relationship Manager since March. 

What makes working at Deutsche Börse so special for you? 

It’s the atmosphere, the team spirit, and cooperation within Deutsche Börse Group, and of course within my team, that is special. I have met many great colleagues and the atmosphere is very friendly. I particularly appreciate my team’s sense of humour, which makes our work easier, especially during stressful times. 

What was your experience transitioning from intern to young professional and what do you appreciate about your work? 

Already as an intern, I was an active, integrated team member. When it became clear early on that I was going to stay, I took on my first projects. I also had the opportunity to familiarise myself with my future tasks, such as the “stocks & standards” workshop and participant management for the German Equity Forum. This made the transition from intern to Relationship Manager almost seamless. 

The job offers a wide range of opportunities, and the combination of event organisation, content creation, and customer communication is particularly exciting. This wealth of topics has enabled me to build a good network, learn new skills and maintain close personal contact with our customers. All of this not only helps me to grow professionally, but also gives me the opportunity to develop on a personal level. Last but not least, it is of course an honour to represent the financial centre Frankfurt! 

What would be your advice to newbies at Deutsche Börse Group? 

To get off to a successful start, you should seize every opportunity that comes your way. Do a great job, but above all enjoy what you do and do it with passion. I would also advise you to establish a good network, and don’t be afraid to ask colleagues from other areas to meet up for lunch or coffee.