Settled in: David Urbanek

People & ideas at Deutsche Börse

Release date: 22 Sep 2020

In our "Settled in" series, our colleagues who have decided to start their careers at Deutsche Börse Group share their journeys with us. Next, David Urbanek tells us about his experiences and personal milestones within the company.

David Urbanek

What did you study and how does it relate to your role right now?

I studied Economic Policy and Administration at the University of Pardubice. In my third and fourth year of university, I decided to pursue studying abroad with an Erasmus exchange program in the field of International Business and Administration. I spent the first year at the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia and the second year at the Turku University of Applied Sciences in Finland. During this time, I came to realise that the world is not only black and white. Therefore, I decided to complete my studies in the public sector before moving on to something more international or business-related. I would say this made my knowledge background very diverse. This helps at being an HR Generalist, as it is beneficial to have a wide overview. Cultural sensitivity also helps a lot when working in a multinational environment. I have to thank my Erasmus years for that. 

Why did you want to start your career at Deutsche Börse Group?

It was pretty much a coincidence. After I had completed my studies, I was looking for a part-time job and recruitment seemed to be a good option. Back then, I was curious about the recruitment process in an international company and I was interested in looking behind the scenes, e.g. how future employees are being recruited.  

Then, I got an offer to stay in personnel services as a full-timer. I literally started from scratch and I must thank my present and former colleagues who have guided me through the HR area. 

What is your role in HR at Clearstream? 

For the last year, I have been working as an HR Generalist for both Deutsche Börse IT and Clearstream in Prague. Most of the time, I process everything regarding the CIO/COO division. 

My tasks differ every day based on employees’ needs. Among other things, I am responsible for the administrative agenda, organisational changes, e.g. processing and signing contracts, amendments and the welcome day agenda for newcomers every month.
Currently, there are two big projects I am working on. 

The first one is the implementation of a tool to significantly decrease administrative workload on the HR side by allowing employees to edit their personal information on their own without having to notify HR. This is a step forward in terms of processing employee data.

The second project is the implementation of a cloud-based e-tax tool which makes tax processing much easier for both the company and our employees. This way, we are moving a step further in the direction of a paperless environment and continuous digitisation at Deutsche Börse Group. I am very happy that my role allows me to connect project management, IT support and HR. 

What do you enjoy most about your work?

I most enjoy the diversity of tasks in combination with a stable working environment. As for a customer-oriented person, there is a sense of self-fulfillment that comes from helping employees with their needs. Also, this sounds cliché, but I very much like meeting new people which happens every day when working in HR. 

What advice would you give yourself if you were to start your career over again?

I started my career one year ago, so I would not have changed anything apart from the fact that I should have continued to study the German language. But overall, I guess, it is too early to evaluate my career.