CCP Switch
EurexOTC Clear

Switch to the home of the euro yield curve

Eurex Clearing is the only EU-based CCP combining future-proof clearing services with access to liquidity in euro ETDs, OTC IRDs and repo all under one legal, risk and collateral regime.

There are plenty of reasons to transfer your risk and we can provide assistance to make it easy and efficient to switch your portfolio so you can achieve greater capital efficiencies, reduce your costs and mitigate your risk.

Connect your benefits by switching your OTC IRD portfolio to Eurex Clearing, the home of the euro yield curve.

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Smart solution to optimize cleared IRS portfolios.

Why should I switch?

  • A future-proof solution
    Eurex Clearing has proven itself to be a reliable and sustainable Euro liquidity pool and is EU-based and regulated, mitigating any geopolitical changes.
  • Capital Efficiencies
    Take advantage of the full spectrum of services on margin and collateral within Eurex across its listed, OTC and Repo solutions.
  • Risk Reduction
    By diversifying across different CCPs you can decrease risk by increasing mutualization across members for default risk and other non-default losses, as well as increasing the ability to access cash liquidity from European central banks for Euros.

Steps to switch

  • Get in touch with us
    Contact your dedicated contact at Eurex Clearing and find out your potential margin savings.
  • Analyze
    Based upon your portfolio choose the most appropriate switch methodology using a combination of risk transfer and individual trades. 
  • Choose a facilitator
    Below, you’ll find a list of facilitators that can help you execute the chosen switch methodology.

Methodologies to switch positions

  • Single basis trade switch
    Trades can be executed electronically over transparent and liquid platforms such as D2D, D2C, CLOB or RFQ.
  • Portfolio switch
    Switching a complete or complex portfolio can be achieved by moving risk or replicating individual trades.
  • Matching services
    Algorithmic solutions provided by several facilitators where multiple participants aim to match the positions they intend to switch.

In the facilitator list on this site, you’ll find an overview of switch facilitators for all methodologies.

List of Switch facilitators

Switch checklist

Get in touch and together we’ll walk through a Switch checklist that supports you managing all required processes of the switch. The checklist helps you to optimize the submission of transactions and coordinate the support between the clearer and CCP.


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