Clearing contacts

Deutsche Börse Group (GDBRS)

The Clearing Member has, on a voluntarily basis, provided information on its sustainability as well as referred to research, reports and available ratings from various agencies. The information provided by the Clearing Member are not verified by Eurex Clearing AG and the links provided by the Clearing Member lead to external sites.

ESG Profile

In the implementation of economic goals, Deutsche Börse Group takes social, ethical, and ecological aspects into account, in addition to ESG product initiatives. Efforts in terms of sustainability include our diversity and inclusion policy, our human rights policy as well as our commitment to environmental protection. We assume responsibility for the markets we organize, our shareholders, our employees, the environment, and society across our entire value chain: with our ESG reporting, our Executive Board remuneration system with ESG goals and with our ambitions to sustain our high ESG ratings. In this way, we aim to create long-term value while contributing to the achievement of sustainable economic, environmental and social goals.