Initiatives & Releases

C7 Release 10.1

This release contains  the introduction of some new products such as Flexible EFP index futures and non-standard options volatility strategies. This release also entails the decommissioning of some of the existing C7 functionalities such as “cash only transfers” or “compression”.

Simulation start: 25 March 2024
Production start: 13
 May 2024 

C7 9.1 timeline-01

System Documentation

  • C7 Clearing GUI - User Manual
    Publication date: 11 Mar 2024
    This user manual for the Eurex Clearing's C7 Clearing GUI provides final descriptions of all windows and related functions.
  • C7 Advanced Risk Protection GUI - User Manual
    Publication date: 04 Dec 2023
    This user manual for the Eurex Clearing's C7 ARP Clearing GUI provides final descriptions of all windows and related functions.
  • Clearing GUIs - Access Guide V3.9
    Publication date: 04 Dec 2023
    This document describes the technical requirements to access the Eurex Clearing GUIs: C7 Clearing GUI, EurexOTC Clear GUI and EurexOTC Clear Margin Calculator GUI


Readiness Videos


No, there are no new roles or privileges.

Yes, this is the current plan.

Release Items/Participants Requirements



Action Item  

Flexible Future Contracts EFP - Index

New flexible futures contracts in the context of EFP-Index futures trading will be made available at Eurex. Therefore, Eurex Clearing will include a new trade type to support this product.

Clearing Members need to implement the new value in the existing field "Trade Type" in order to clear this new product:

FIXML changes
New value “1016” for the field TrdType (tag 828).
C7 GUI Changes
New value “S” (Flexible EFP-Index Futures Trade) as “Orig trade type”.
Report Changes
New value “S” (“Flexible EFP-Index Futures Trade”) in existing field “TrdTyp” in relevant C7 reports.

Clean-up GUI user accounts

For security and efficiency reasons, Eurex Clearing will eventually delete all C7 GUI user accounts that have not been used in more than two years. 

Clearing Members will be enabled to check on inactive users via the User Maintenance window in the Entitlement area of the C7 GUI. All Clearing Members should check upfront which accounts are to be deleted.

Decommission of Cash Only Transfer

The "cash only" transfer functionality in C7 GUI will be disabled. Cash transfers will only be possible together with position transfers.

Clearing Members should be aware of the following C7 GUI Changes:
“Cash Transfer Amount” and “Cash Adjustment price” entry fields will be disabled in C7 GUI.
No changes will be made to FIXML or clearing reports.

Decommission of compression service

Eurex has discontinued the compression service providers to offer portfolio compression services to Exchange Participants for listed derivatives at Eurex Deutschland.

Clearing Members should make the necessary changes in C7 infrastructure to disable the trade type for compression:

FIXML: The user defined value “1008” for the FIXML field TrdTyp (tag 828) will be deleted.
C7 GUI: Value “K” in existing field “Orig trade type” will be deleted.
Reports: Value “K” in existing field “TrdTyp” will be deleted.

Currency Haircut File

The Currency Haircut file contains currency haircut parameters and adjusted exchange rates information. With this release, the text and excel format versions of the file will be decommissioned.

Clearing Members should be aware that only the csv format will be available and make the necessary arrangements to use this version.

Non-standard option Volatility Strategies

The new instrument type Non-Standard Options Volatility Strategies will be introduced with T7 Release 12.0 combining features of the existing Options Volatility Strategies with features of  Non-Standard Options Strategies.

To process this new product, Clearing Members need to enable the new value in the existing field "Strategy Type":

  • FIXML: New value “13” in field (tag 28587)
  • C7 GUI: New value is available as a drop-down filter in the C7 GUI under “Strategy Typ”  in the Transaction, Give-up and Take-up Overview windows
  • Reports: New value “13” in strategyType field in report: CB012, CB715, CB716, CB750 and CB751

Eurex Initiatives Lifecycle

From the announcement till the rollout, all phases of the Eurex initiatives outlined on one page! Get an overview here and find other useful resources.

Are you looking for information on a previous initiative? We have stored information about our previous initiatives in our Archive for you!

Please send all your C7 Release 10.1 inquiries to the support center at