Focus Day Sustainability

Carbon Markets, sustainable financial and energy derivatives, sustainable transition or climate targets: sustainability as a focal point is here to stay!  

The Focus Day Sustainability focused on providing a holistic overview of what institutional investors need to cover across asset classes when truly focusing on sustainability. Our guest of honor, Joschka Fischer, Former Vice Chancellor and Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany, shared his views on reconciling business, climate and politics in 2023.  Watch the recordings of the keynote and the discussion panels with leading industry speakers across Europe!

Keep in mind that Sustainability & Derivatives will also be a key focus at the Derivatives Forum Frankfurt on 22 & 23 March 2023!


Opening & welcome

Opportunities in Trading and Hedging sustainable derivatives

Best practice in assessing Climate impact of portfolios

Exchanges as enabler of change: electrification and decarbonization

Reconciling business, climate and politics in 2023

EU ESG rules and implications for derivatives

Energy markets & the sustainability transition - what can we expect in the coming years?