Global benchmarks. All time zones. Seize the opportunities.
Trading hours

Discover unlimited trading opportunities in all time zones.

Eurex's trading hours coverage creates more flexibility for market participants to access the global benchmark products and response to the market conditions in all time zones.

The Volumes peak was between 03:00 a.m. to 07:00 a.m. CET in June 2024.

Quarterly Traded Volume - Eurex Asian Hours (thousands)

Accumulated Hourly Traded Volume by Product (thousands)

Asian investors tap into the growth of European markets

Julien Romand from BNP Paribas and Kris Hopkins from Eurex discuss how we can utilize European derivatives to hedge exposure during Asian hours.

Key Benefits

  • Trade select liquid futures during the Asia, Europe and the U.S. time zones
    Eurex's trading hours create trading and hedging opportunities for global market participants
    01:00 CET - 08:00 CET  (Asian hours)
    08:00 CET - 17:30 CET (European hours)
    17:30 CET - 22:00 CET (U.S. hours)
  • Spread trading opportunities
    Euro-Bund vs JGB
    Euro-Bund / Euro-Schatz vs ASX 10s and ASX 3s
    and more
  • Exchange-traded benefits
    Important exchange-based trading, clearing and risk management functionalities help to reduce counterparty risks and increase margin efficiencies

Trading Hours

Scheme on Eurex trading hours for select liquid futures as of December 2018

The trading system T7 is available daily from Monday to Friday at 1.00 a.m. CET (2.00 a.m. CEST). The markets will close at 22.00 CET, and the Eurex Clearing C7 is available through 22.30 CET.


Educational video series

Video 1: What is the EURO STOXX 50 index?

Video 2: How do Euro STOXX 50 futures work?

Educational video series

Video 3: When can I trade EURO STOXX 50?

Video 4: Micro vs. regular EURO STOXX 50 Futures

Eurex’s STOXX® derivatives – The building blocks of Europe

In this whitepaper, we explore the fundamentals of the EURO STOXX 50®, STOXX® Europe 600 and EURO STOXX® Bank indexes, as well as how trading strategies on the three have historically performed.

Bringing Europe and APAC closer: An interview with Mezhgan Qabool

What benefits do European indices bring to Asian traders? By going from 14 to 21 hours in December 2018 for select liquid futures, we made Europe more easily accessible to Asian investors. At the same time, we have significantly increased hedging and risk management capabilities and price discovery across time zones for our global customer base. Furthermore, we removed any proxy hedging strategies our clients might have used previously. Our markets are now open for investors to trade our products directly and they can react to market news, movements, geopolitical events and financial announcements in the same time zone that they take place. Where do you see the most adoption of extended trading hours in Asia? Adoption of the products in extended trading hours comes from across the Asia Pacific and globally and has various client types. 70% of the flow is from end clients, the buy-side, brokers, propriety trading firms, and banks. 30% of our volume is contributed via our...

Expanding liquidity: An interview with Henky Toha

What benefits did Eurex's extended trading hours bring to your firm? As we are based in Asia, it is great to be able to trade Eurex products in our time zone, and I believe most of the financial community here would echo this view. Asia has repeatedly proven to be a critical piece of the 24-hour global trading time zone, and its importance to that system is only growing. We often see markets react and make the biggest moves during Asian hours, dictating the tone for the subsequent Western markets. Therefore, trading venues should be structured to create the deepest liquidity pools possible and encourage trading opportunities between more market participants. As more products come online, we expect more market participants and trading opportunities to emerge in these sessions. Were you trading European exposures before the launch of the Eurex Asian hours initiative? Before the extension of trading hours, we were trading minimally in European products, so the launch of the...