28 Oct 2020


Eurex Exchange Readiness Newsflash | Update of the T7 Release 9.0 Release Notes containing important information regarding the ETI Backward Compatibility Mode

Eurex Exchange Readiness Newsflash | Update of the T7 Release 9.0 Release Notes containing important information regarding the ETI Backward Compatibility Mode

Dear Eurex Participant,

With this newsflash, we would like to inform you that the "T7 Release 9.0 - Final Functional Technical Release Notes", available under:

Tech > T7 Trading architecture > Release 9.0 > Overview and Functionality,

have been updated to v 1.5.

Please note for the backward compatibility mode, that with T7 Release 9.0, new fields in existing messages and new message layouts will be introduced for TES trade reversal and TES compression. These new message layouts will be published with regular sequence numbers in existing broadcast streams even when the client application is running in backward compatibility mode. 

Client applications running in Release 8.1 backward compatibility mode will need to take these messages into account (see e.g. their TemplateID) and should discard them after the sequence number check.

This feature has always been a standard in T7,  but there were only very few occurrences in previous releases. 

For reference please find below the respective excerpt from chapter 3.5 of the ETI manual on the Backward Compatibility:

3.5 Backward Compatibility

ETI offers its enhancements with new XML and C-header files for each release. Use of these files can be deferred until the next releases under certain circumstances, because ETI supports the concept of layout level backward compatibility. That means, in case of an application that was built for one of the previous releases, ETI expects and sends the old layouts.

New or modified field contents (valid values and/or usage), however, are not suppressed. In certain cases, even layout-level backward compatibility cannot be offered. Enhancements introduced within the new release cannot be used by applications that make use of the backward compatibility facility. Please note that XML and C-header files of the previous releases will not be re-distributed.

Therefore, an application using the ETI interface should be able to deal with:
· new valid values as field content,
· usage changes of message fields,
· new message layouts in a broadcast stream.

The entire T7 Release 9.0 Enhanced Trading Interface Manual is available under the following link:

Tech > T7 Trading architecture > Release 9.0 > Trading Interfaces

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Kind regards

Your Client Services Team



All Trading Participants of Eurex Deutschland and Vendors



T7 Release 9.0 initiative page

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