News Center
08 May 2024


Eurex to expand its FTSE Russell offering

  • Eurex is expanding its offering of global index derivatives.
  • First futures on FTSE All-World Index will be launched on 3 June 2024.

Eurex is expanding its suite of global index derivatives in collaboration with FTSE Russell, the global index provider. As of 3 June, Eurex will launch futures on the FTSE All-World Index. Eurex’s index derivatives products, which covers global, national, and pan-European indices, is already the most diversified in the industry. 

The FTSE All-World Futures will be the first derivatives contract listed in Europe covering stocks from the FTSE Global Equity Index Series (FTSE GEIS). The FTSE All-World Index is a market capitalization weighted index representing the performance of around 4,000 large and mid-cap stocks from the FTSE Global Equity Index Series, with a total market capitalization of USD 73 trillion. The FTSE GEIS series, launched in September 2003, covers over 19,000 stocks in 49 countries, representing 99 percent of the world's investable market capitalization.  

The new FTSE All-World Futures will be denominated in U.S. dollar and will be tradable from 01:00 CET (8 a.m. Hong Kong / Singapore) to 22:00 CET, also covering the full trading day in the U.S. and Asia.  

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15 March 2025

3:48:35 PM

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