The best of both worlds in FX
Listed FX Derivatives

The hybrid approach to FX efficiency

With regulations evolving and cost pressures impacting OTC FX portfolios, Eurex offers a strategic solution that seamlessly blends OTC liquidity and cleared FX futures. A series of articles explores how – and why – leading banks and buy-side clients implement this hybrid strategy:

  1. Can your FX strategy actually benefit from the flood of regulatory requirements?
  2. How do savvy OTC FX market players blend futures into their execution models?
  3. Why are more institutions leveraging "low touch" FX futures solutions and integrating them into their FX strategies?
  4. Is automation the holy grail for your FX strategy?

Read the articles:

Future-proofing your FX portfolio

Six measures to reduce capital and funding costs.

Integrating FX futures in a hybrid world

How OTC FX market participants are using listed FX futures.

The low touch future of FX derivatives

Connecting OTC and listed FX markets in a highly automated fashion.

Automating FX blocks and EFPs

What is driving the electronification of FX futures?

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